Joint Open Letter to MPs re Covid Vaccine Mandates for Care Workers


UKMFA have teamed up with HART and the Thinking Coalition to send this Open Letter to the 319 MPs who voted for Covid-19 vaccine mandates for all care workers on 13 July 2021, by supporting an Amendment to the Health and Social Care Act 2008.  This unethical amendment forced thousands of care workers out of jobs they loved and needed, in order to avoid having a medical treatment they did not want or need.

We set out the violation of medical ethics in undermining their "fundamental right to informed consent" and that “mandatory vaccination would be crossing the Rubicon on medical choice, medical confidentiality and bodily autonomy” as well as detailing the wealth of scientific and medical evidence at the time that showed the jabs did not stop transmission and were causing unprecedented levels of harm.

CALL TO ACTION: If your MP was one of the MPs who voted for this, please send this letter to them and ask them for an urgent response to the questions and points raised.

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