UKMFA Analysis of BioNTech's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Filing Document - March 2022


UKMFA have read and produced this summary of Form 20-F, submitted by BioNTech to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Form 20-F is the primary disclosure document required from foreign private issuers listing equity shares on exchanges in the United States and requires comprehensive disclosure about the company, including information about risks related to its business operations which could expose the company to liability, and potentially to huge lawsuits and class actions.

BioNTech’s 20-F SEC document,submitted on March 30th 2022, reveals extraordinary discrepancies between Pfizer/BioNTech’s public statements about their COVID-19 product and the disclosures in the filing and raises serious questions and concerns regarding the disparities between what the public is being told and what the company is admitting to in this official document.

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