UKMFA Open Letter to NHS Trust/Health Board CEOs re Face Mask Requirements in Healthcare Facilities


The legal requirements for face masks have now been lifted throughout the UK. Nevertheless, the NHS continues to require their staff, patients and visitors to cover their faces within their healthcare facilities. We call upon all NHS Chief Executives to make face masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.

We detail the lack of evidence of benefit, and the wealth of evidence of harms resulting from the use of face masks. We urge the NHS to uphold the principle of evidence-based medicine in their policies and practices.  We also remind the CEOs that NHS staff are required to uphold the core principles of the NHS Constitution, medical ethics and professional codes of practice, including the right to informed consent. Denying staff, patients and visitors the right to decline a medical intervention (a face mask) without coercion, penalty or restriction is in breach of these principles and codes.

We would like to encourage our supporters to send a copy of this letter to their local NHS Trust CEO, their GP, MP and local media, and share this on social media to raise public awareness of this important issue.

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